The size of Forcipomyia Taiwana is as tiny as a sesame seed. Their body length is around 1.4mm. They can get through window screen and door screen easily. When they bite and suck blood, they can be quite ferocious. The allergic reaction caused by Forcipomyia Taiwana is far more serious than mosquitoes. It is itchy and unbearable. When scratching of the bite spots open up the skin, formation of scabs and scars of wounds strung together like beads, can be jokingly called as “red bean fleecy”. Residents are very bothered by it throughout the year. Fortunately, there is no discovery of infectious diseases spread by Forcipomyia Taiwana so far, it can only be consider as nuisance insects.
Forcipomyia Taiwana belongs to subfamily Ceratopogonidae, while mosquito belongs to Culicidae. People always mistake Forcipomyia Taiwana for laying their eggs in standing water as mosquito does, this leads to a big blind spot for prevention. The fact is, larvae of Forcipomyia Taiwana are terrestrial. Without any weeds disturbing the ground, a moist yet receiving sunlight area which is suitable for the growth of mosses, is the perfect place for larvae of Forcipomyia Taiwana to grow. Same goes to non-management wetlands, both sides of drains, beneath of scaffolds, under the sheds and under the eaves, etc.
Due to their wide breeding areas, totally eliminating them seems impossible, while overusing of pesticides can cause harmful effects on the environment. Therefore, there are only temporary solutions to the problem so far.
Organize the environment:
1. Fill up the holes around your housing area to stop water going stagnant and avoid the growing of mosses and algae.
2. Plant more grass to fill in empty spaces in order to prevent sunlight reaching directly on the ground surface, intending to reduce the growing of mosses and algae.
3. The sides of drains should be clear from muds.
4. Remove scaffolds that are unneeded, so that there is full sun to keep the ground dry and help the growth of grass.
Personal Protection:
1. Avoid outdoor activities as much as possible during the heyday of Forcipomyia Taiwana. (Forcipomyia Taiwana are active during the days. The males are not bloodsuckers.)
2. In the heyday of Forcipomyia Taiwana, wear long sleeves and long pants. During outdoor activities, apply or spray repellent containing N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) on neck, wrists, ankles and other uncovered areas. It’s effectiveness will last for 2~3 hours. You may apply every 3 hours.
Take Forcipomyia Taiwana, flea, mosquito as examples, before blood-sucking, they will secrete saliva and inject it into the blood capillary of man or animal to prevent blood from clotting. This saliva contains formic acid and high protein allergens. Thus, man and animal will have allergic reaction which cause itchy skin. Normally, diseases and bacteria is also transmitted through this way.